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Automotive components testing

Automotive is a growing sector in India and around the world. With new technology and encouragement to produce the best, manufacturers need to validate and verify their components as a part of their R&D procedure. This includes testing of these components to check their ability to withstand environmental and electrical safety conditions.


GMP, Good Manufacturing Practices , are implementation procedures to adopt best practices to remove, reduce and control physical, chemical and biological hazards in the processing environment. GMP Compliance Certification from URS ensures the integrity of food manufacturing process as well as compliance with food safety regulations.


SMETA – SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit is a methodology developed by SEDEX – Supplier Ethical Data Exchange as a centrally agreed audit protocol that can be shared amongst the SEDEX members. URS, under the group, is Affiliate Audit Company (AAC) of SEDEX that can conduct SMETA and other social audits for SEDEX members worldwide. URS is also an audit firm member of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA).

UKCA Marking

After Brexit, the UKCA Mark (United Kingdom Conformity Assessment) is a new product marking scheme announced by the United Kingdom which is applicable to all goods/ products shipped in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). At present, this new safety regulation is applicable for all the designated products that are subjected to ‘CE Marking’ in EU, prior to Brexit.


URS certifies The Lalit Hotel New Delhi against internationally recognized ISO 22000:2018 standard. Congratulation…


URS gets UKAS accreditation for ISO 37001 Standard.


URS Certified State Bank of India – ePay against ISO 27001 standard.
SBI ePay Team has demonstrated and mai.

ISO Certificate is a based consultancy firm working in the field of various ISO management system certification and process implementation services.

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